2021 NEWS
BIE reconfirms for 2021 the Predictive Maintenance initiative, in which in 2020 visitors were able to experiment with different applications such as: motor testing, vibration control, thermography, motion amplification™, laser alignment, ultrasonic system for compressed air and technical gases, oil filter and oil separator system.
Immediate advantages that can offer companies: greater efficiency, savings, prevention and safety, respect for the environment, as well as avoiding downtime and production.
4.0 AREA
BIE introduces “4.0 Area”: an area dedicated to firms that offer functional services – formation/ consulting/software house– that companies can use to improve their own business and their competitiveness, enjoying facilitating measures provided for Balance Law.
BIE realised 3 editions of the Factory at the exhibition, which represented an essential appointment for the mechanical engineering, metalworking and automation, with the installation of operating systems inside the exhibition space. Its aim is not only to talk about the Factory, but to experience it and see its production processes in detail
3° ed. - 2019: 4 installations in automotive, railway and weapons field
2° ed. - 2018: Aluminum -> Automotive component
1° ed. - 2017: Brass -> Ball valve
The Exhibition in Brief
BIE differentiates itself from the traditional concept of expository fair. Indeed it is characterized by a meeting relational moment between professionals, highly specialized and qualified sectors.
Brescia is the third super-specialized area of Europe in industry sector with an industrial value of 10 bilions euros, according to the Studio Fondazione Edison / Confindustria; it is also the area with the biggest concentration of specialized firms in metals working, with important excellences at international level. So, we thought to use this manifestation to underline the production capacity of the area in this sector and that and set it a reference point for companies interested in having a showcase in this important scenario.
The medium/long term mission of the manifestation is to become an international recall for foreign buyers, dedicated to the biggest industrial sectors, expanding its own range to new expository sections, giving the right importance to the territory and the centrality that deserves internationally in the industrial sector.
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