Fiera BIE wants to contribute to promote the meeting between schools and labor market.
The labor market needs new technicians and students need a work for their future.
There are different ways to make these two worlds meet and our idea is to make entrepreneurs understand that, even during school there are students which create elaborated “masterpieces” with interesting and technical contents. We do it to make people understand the potentiality that students could have in a workplace.
We think that entrepreneurs, who normally think that students are able just to “play” with smartphones and computers, may see and touch real solutions created by students. In this way entrepreneurs may easily understand that students are a resource they need in order to develop their companies. So, with the aim to promote these meetings, BIE Fair wants to invite all the Professional and Technical Schools to show their works during the Fair.
The participation is totally free for schools, including the equipment needed to show their works in the expository area.
The “masterpieces” can be of whatever nature: mechanic, electromechanical, robotic, software and so on. They just have to be interesting for engineering sector firms.
To participate it is necessary to compile the following document:
BIE 2020 – Participation request in Masterpieces of schools
Here below there are the initiatives of schools at BIE 2019
BIE has always paid attention to formation and to the relationship between school and work. For this reason, every year BIE gives the opportunity to universities and technical school to show their works within some areas at the Fair.
Digital Universitas, with its Mechanical Department Master, was present from 23 to 25 May at BIE 2019, in Montichiari, within the stand of GMV Tools Machines SRL.
Digital Universitas promotes new didactic and cultural forms which put together know-how, entrepreneurship, and school in order to prepare the future generation of Digital-Workers. The aim is to create a new way of formation about new technologies and digital methodology, both for today graduates and for who is already working.
Digital Universitas is a bridge between schools and firms through full-time learning processes; it is a bridge between firms and Digital Transformation through ad hoc part-time processes for managers and employees; then it diffuses the innovation culture through events and format for free.
The Mechanical Department is one of two masters that Digital Universitas has with an eye towards Digital Transformation in mechanic field.
It is a free path for of age graduated of technical schools, technical operators who are looking for new incentives, who wants to be in line with today labour market and to seize the opportunities of tomorrow
Discover the complete presentation of DIGITAL UNIVERSITAS and the details of the MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT MASTER.
UniBS Motorsport was born in 2013 thanks to a group of student of Mechanical Engineering Department of Università degli Studi di Brescia thanks to the support of prof. Marco Gabola, coordinator of Automotive curriculum. He created the team in order to plan and realize a race car that could compete within the Formula SAE championship.
They are part of different field of the project, each one developed by a specific area: the planning of mechanic and electric components of bodywork and aerodynamics; the structural analysis of finished elements, the estimated of production costs, marketing management up to the realization of single-seater car and track tests. The aim is to enhance competent and passionate students, so that they can occupy positions of responsibility in the world of work, especially in the automotive sector.
“At school to do business” this is the claim of the project realized from Giornale di Brescia which collaborates with Talent Garden and The FabLab (digital manufacturing laboratory which has branches in Milan, Turin and Bologna). Massimo Temporelli, who is its cofounder and chairperson, has be awarded at BIE during the inauguration day, Thursday 23 May 2019. GdB Da Vinci 4.0 is the initiative name which pays tribute to Leonardo Da Vinci, an example of creative genius and technical capacity, during its five hundredth anniversary of death.
An itinerant tour started on February 2019 with the aim to make formation in technical institute, where there are the basis of success and of the future of our firms, bringing digitalization and new technologies in classrooms. “Talking with future technicians – declares Giornale di Brescia – because the revolution that we are facing refers, above all, to production and factory fields. It makes them even more strategic places for our society”.
Thanks to the business man and divulgator Massimo Temporelli, 250 students of 5 schools in the area of Brescia, can be formed about the digital transformation and the use of 3D printers and interconnected machines. This project lasts 3 months and 50 students (10 belonging to the 5 Institutes) had to create a project using 3D printers, the Arduino programmable electronics platform and their brains, challenging each other in a hackathon on May 5th 2019 at Talent Garden.
Temporelli declares: «During the meetings at school we have talked about a new behave and a new reality within the factory of the future, where digital and programmable machines flank technical and workers, making us thinking about a new idea of work»
During the l’hackathon it will be possible to use different technological platforms, for example the littlebits kit, «programmable electronics very easy to use» (
Eight kit of Arduino with sensors and operators (, will be available together with four 3f Fdm printers and some stationery and DIY materials (cardboard, adhesive tape, screws …), necessaries to finish the project, which will be presented to a jury.
During the inauguration of BIE, on 23rd May, the technical institutes which participated in the project were called for the official aware ceremony and the winner team were invited to intervene at the opening of the fair.
The aim of organizing is to draw attention and light on the importance of students as a strategic resource for industry and its digital evolution, give them a role of actor during the fair and a direct contact with firma and workplace.
Look the report of Giornale di Brescia
As every year, the BIE initiative to host technical institutes from the Brescia area and the closest regions (Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino, Emilia Romagna) as visitors has back. They are guided into the fair also in order to discover the working factory at exhibition, to get students close to productive and firm fields, as always.
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