PARTNER no. 2/11  Farm New Brass Pav. 8
Stand 02
Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta n. 2/4 – 10073 Ciriè (Turin) Italy
Phone: +39 011 9222344 – Fax: +39 011 9215700
Website: www.farmbrass.com
Mail: info@farmbrass.com
  Commodity Sector 31.00 – machines, systems and equipment for casting
  Company Profile Born in 1977, FARM Brass company was able to quickly establish itself in the field of non-ferrous metals heating, revolutionizing the philosophy of heating/forging in automatic, offering patented gas furnaces suitable to feed the new range of press machines with continuous operation. In more than 35 years of activity we have installed over 1500 systems, divided by thrust furnaces, chain furnaces, belt furnaces and special.

Among the patents characterizing our production we point out the one for lining up the parts, for total emptying of billets inside the heating chamber and, last but not least, the one for self-supporting meshes in our chain furnaces. The company philosophy, professionalism of our technicians, along with high technological content of proposed solutions has enabled us to expand the application field over the years.

The continuous research and studies carried out in collaboration with the best Italian universities allowed us to manufacture heating systems where words “energy saving” have become more and more important; the result is the optimal dosing and recycling of heating produced during combustion.

Recently inaugurated the new headquarters, now FARM Brass has available an area of 11.000 m2 of which 5.500 are covered.

Processing Step description
Bars loader: The furnace will be equipped with an automatic bars loader. The operator will deposit the bundle of bars in the provided support plane and, after having cut the containing belts, the harpoons will start to bring the bars that have to be heated in the loading area. The first phase will be only of approach; during the second phase, after the consent of the machine cycle, the bar will be deposited on the heating tray. Position sensors will signal the passage of the bars and the remaining ones on the heating tray.

Heating: The heating chamber is realized with multilayer insulating fiber and additional insulation in the areas with greater solicitation in touch with the flames.
Support pins adjustable in height in order to guarantee the perfect support plane between tray and material to be heated.
Tray for bars sliding realized in steel suitable for high temperatures and for the solicitations due to the material sliding.
In the case that it may occur the need of opening the upper part of the heating chamber, it has been applied a motorized system. The movement of opening and closing can be handled from the operator panel.

Cutting: The movements of the cutting blades are managed by two brushless motors. At each production change, it is executed the cutting blades approach in order to obtain the maximum precision and efficiency of cut. External lubrication system for a longer life of the blades. Control of the exact length of the crop ends before cutting by means of punch which movement is managed by a brushless motor.

Pieces unloading: (Sorting system) Having to meet all the production needs of the forging, the portion of the cut bar slides over a device that, by means of an ultra fast pneumatic system, creates the condition of being able to forge with a single figure or with double figure. This system has the function of bringing the material to be heated to the gripping hand of the press. Always by means of a pneumatic system, the bar facing and the final piece of scrap will be unloaded in a specific container.

Particularly interesting processings The furnace is equipped with a loader for bars having a length of 3 mt  and allows the cutting of the hot billet granting a minimum waste of material.
Machines and/or equipment and/or employed materials Drive HIP 601 Esautomotion

CNC  S640.551 (dislay 15″,321+320,CAN)

Module for remote assistance SE1149 Secomea

Infrared optical pyrometer  model DGF40N  Dias

E- motors series  Esautomotion

Combustion components Krom Schroder

Characteristics or innovative applications (machines, equipment, employed materials) This furnace has been designed for the brass bars heating with integrated cutting system.

The indirect heating system grants a gradual heating of all the bar and the cutting system without burr makes easier the deformation of the heated piece inside the mould.

All the six main movements are managed by a CN by means of brushless motors and other two movements of lower use are controlled by means of linear transducers.

The management software of the machine permits, during the functioning cycle, the fine adjustment of the billet weight by means of some correction parameters.

Application Fields  Fittings, locks

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