
BIE 2016 Exhibitors


  Company Name ZPS Distributed by BENTIVOGLIO MACCHINE UTENSILI  Stand …

    Company Name    WJNETWORK INT. MGM Building via Benaco 30 – 20139 Milano Italy Phone: +39 02 5681 4935 Fax: +39 02 5661 0507 Website: www.wjnetwork.it – Mail: info@wjnetwork.net Stand …  

  Company Name   VIVIANI UTENSILI SRL Via Piazza Degli Alpini, 2 – 25039 Travagliato (Brescia) Italy Phone: +39 030 6864843 – Fax: +39 030 6864943 Mail: amministrazione@vivianiutensili.it Stand ..         Commodity Sectors 54.00 – aluminum and light alloys 73.00 – hydraulic and pneumatic components   Company Profile  The company operates in […]

  Company Name  VISIONOVA SRL Via Noce 71 – 25125 Brescia Italy Phone: +39 030 3534179 – Fax: +39 030 5100035 Website: www.visionova.it – Mail: info@visionova.it Stand …   Commodity Sector 105.00 – services for the company   Company Profile  Visionova is a digital communication agency, which – through its teamwork – integrates all the different phases […]

Company Name TRENS Distributed by BENTIVOGLIO MACCHINE UTENSILI  Stand …

  Company Name  TOSINI GROUP SRL Via E. Rizzi, 10 – 25134 Brescia Italy Phone: +39 030 3366690 – Fax: +39 030 3366688 Website: www.tosinigroup.com – Mail: u.commerciale@tosinigroup.com Stand …   Commodity Sectors 02.00 – electronic equipment 03.00 – automation for storage and transportation 04.00 – computers and peripherals 08.00 – software for manufacturing 105.00 – […]

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