 logo tosini Company Name  TOSINI GROUP SRL
Via E. Rizzi, 10 – 25134 Brescia Italy
Phone: +39 030 3366690 – Fax: +39 030 3366688
Website: www.tosinigroup.com – Mail: u.commerciale@tosinigroup.com
Stand …
  Commodity Sectors 02.00 – electronic equipment
03.00 – automation for storage and transportation
04.00 – computers and peripherals
08.00 – software for manufacturing
105.00 – services for the company
106.00 – services for the production
  Company Profile Tosini Group srl was founded in January 2008, inheriting the experience and the expertise which have developed for nearly 40 working years in the fields of security, data & IT-Services management for the companies.
  Exhibited Products Staff-Presence Surveyor
Access Control & Management
Counter-Queue Management (for private/public organizations)
Management of Asset periodic/extraordinary/predictive maintenance
Night-Patrol Control within the companies
Work Management within construction sites

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