Unidea Assicurazioni is Supporter at BIE 2016.
Unidea works with the most important Italian and foreign insurance companies every day offering professional advice, the conduct of insurance products and pension funds to satisfy the needs linked to both the private and professional life of its customers.
Unlike the other agencies Unidea has contracts of agency with more than 14 insurance companies among which Ergo, Aviva, Allianz, Europ assistance, Genial Plus, Tua assicurazioni, Uniqa, Cattolica Previdenza, MetLife, Atlanticlux. In this way it can offer its customers a wide range of choices and solutions to satisfy all the needs that may occur during the natural daily events of firms and during the private life of a person .
The aim of Unidea is to guide its customers towards the best insurance solutions for its needs through the qualified professional advice of more than 200 mediators who are working in the present 16 branches on the whole Italian territory.