Company Name  SUPREMA SRL
Via S. Alberto, 41 – 25036 Palazzolo S/O (BS)
Phone: 030 7300811 – Fax: 030 7300811
Website: www.supremaimpianti.it – Email: info@supremaimpianti.it
Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 05.00 – workpiece and tool handling
06.00- industrial robots
21.00 – sheet-metal working cells and systems
36.00 – deburring and chamfering machines
79.00 – surface-treatment and finishing machines and equipment
82.00 – metal cleaning machines
  Company Profile  Suprema was established in 2012 after a years-long experience in the automation industry. Always striving for developing new solutions and technologies, we offer designing and consulting services and manufacturing of turnkey metal-working systems.
  Products and/or Service dealed We design and manufacture robotic cells and systems for metal deburring, grinding and polishing. We supply turnkey industrial automation tools and special equipments upon customers’ request. Customer satifaction is key strong point
  Exhibited Products   For this exhibition, we have decided to show a “demo” deburring cell, extremely verstile and suitable for any kind of deburring. The customer will have the chance to set it by choosing among a wide range of options and customized solutions. Another product on display will be an extremely compact robotic cell specifically conceived for deburring sand cores, paying particular attention to the criticality of the pieces to be worked without neglecting versatility and compactness.

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