
Via Marconi, 42 – 24012 Val Brembilla (BG)
Phone: 0345 59411 – Fax: 0345 59500
Website: www.indeva-cobotics.it – Mail: info@it.inderagroup.com

Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 404.00 – Advanced manufacturing solutions
404.01 – Robot and corobotics
404.02 – Advanced automation
404.03 – Autonomous vehicles (AGV)
  Company Profile Since 1970 Scaglia INDEVA has been supplying companies all over the world with cutting-edge solutions for material handling and intra logistics.
The INDEVA range of intelligent systems includes electronically controlled industrial manipulators, Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV), Lean Manufacturing trolleys and, since March 2019, Cobot Doosan.
  Products and/or Service dealed  Thanks to its forty years of know-how, Scaglia INDEVA designs, produces solutions that contribute to increase productivity and at the same time ergonomics and safety for operators. The INDEVA range of intelligent systems includes electronically controlled industrial manipulators, Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGV), Lean Manufacturing trolleys and since March 2019 Cobot Doosan. The new INDEVA Cobotics Business Unit develops solutions with Cobot Doosan to meet customer needs.
  Exhibited Products  At the BIE exhibition it will be possible to see and interact with some of the solutions developed by the INDEVA Cobotics Business Unit with Cobot Doosan. Tangram, Sorting and gearshift are just some of the fun applications that visitors will be able to interact with to get a taste of what a Cobot can do. The possible applications are endless and the INDEVA Cobotics team will be at visitors’ disposal to answer all their questions about the world of robotics.


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