Company Title

Via Gavardina di Sopra Trav. Terza, 38 – Ponte San Marco di Calcinato (BS)
Phone: 030 9637174 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.pomaonline.it – Mail: info@pomaonline.it

Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors   71.00 – accessories
73.00 – hydraulic and pneumatic components
74.00 – mechanical components
121.00 – mechanical works for third parties
123.00 – chip-forming machining
  Company Profile POMA is a company that has been working as a contractor for over 45 years in the field of hydraulic fittings. Our productions are carried out exclusively with lathes, CNC bar. Thanks to the skills developed over time, we guarantee our customers high quality productions.
  Products and/or Service dealed Bushings to press, nuts to press, male/female inserts, adapters, studs to weld, flande, pistorni and bottoms. We also process diam. 26 to diam. 86 mm and hexagon from 24 to 75 mm.
  Exhibited Products    Components for hydraulic cylinders, various hydraulic fittings in stainless steel and special swarms for bar work


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