PARTNER no. 11/11   XPLAB Pav. 8
Stand 11
Viale s. Eufemia, 39 – 25135 Brescia Italy
Phone: +39 030 2350035
Website: www.xplab.net/index_EN.html
Mail: info@xplab.net
  Commodity Sectors 08.00 software for manufacturing
15.00 automatic storehouse
50.00 software for machine tools
67.00 quality control, software
69.00 testing machines
89.00 extraction systems and filtration
  Company Profile  XPLAB Research in Automation – Since 1990, it has been dealing with research and development in the field of basic computer technologies such as real-time operating systems, programming languages, developing systems and cloud-web, that enable the creation of “Intelligent Applications” for the automation of machinery and plants and for factory management and planning.
Processing step  DISPLAY – SUPERVISOR
Processing step description The supervisor of The Working Factory gathers all the production data and visualize the single machine and system status on synoptic panels, supplying the operators with an overall interface.
Characteristics or innovative applications  The connection with the single machines is carried out using Industrial-IoT cards.
The collected data are sent to a DataBase, which is associated to a Knowledge Base. Thus, they are available at a global level.
Synoptic tables are, where possible, 3D animated displays.

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