PARTNER no. 8/11  Eurofimet Pav. 8
Stand 08
  Company Name EUROFIMET  SRL
Via Corfù n. 22/24 – 25065 Lumezzane (Brescia) Italy
Phone: +39 030 8972103 – Fax: +39 030 2054496
Website: eurofimet.it/en.html
Mail: info@eurofimet.it
  Commodity Sectors 82.00 – machines for cleaning metals
87.00 – machines for industrial cleaning
  Company Profile Eurofimet is a leading company specialized in designing and manufacturing of industrial washing installations for both the automotive and the valves sectors. Thanks to the high technical expertise developed in designing tailor-made machinery and to the self-sufficiency of the manufacture (which is totally carried out internally), the goals achieved by Eurofimet are: the best technological washing results with the minimum effort for the personnel and a low environmental impact.
Processing step  METAL WASHING
Processing step description Feeding of work pieces
The pieces processed through the transfer machine are brought into the metal washing machine by means of a conveyor belt.
Metal washing
The work piece dirty of production scraps which oil and/or shavings, in the first step is completely immersed in water in temperature and, through a spiral system, it is transported to the second step where a series of pressure sprays removes the possible residues left by the immersion phase. In the third step, through a hot air blowing, the work piece is being dried.
Offloading of the machine
After the metal-washing process, the work pieces are transported into a robotic plant in order to be loaded into the assembly machine.
Particularly interesting processings The plant model XCX 300 is suitable for the cleaning and drying of several pieces of various geometries. The washing in line prides itself on a pretty good cost-effectiveness since the work piece, after being  mechanical-worked and washed, will be ready for assembly or storage.
Machines and/or equipment and/or employed materials  Washing plant model XCX 300
General data sheet (machines, equipment, employed materials) The plant is completely made of stainless steel and the tank containing the liquid is totally insulated by the use of excellent isolation material to allow a significant reduction of energetic consumption. Among the top quality products employed in the construction, we can mention brands as Siemens and Omron as Bonfiglioli reduction gears and Lowara pumps.
Characteristics or innovative applications (machines, equipment, employed materials)  Particular attention is paid on the low environmental impact which is guaranteed by the use of water in temperature which, over time and with pieces’ passage, becomes a good emulsion for the reintegration in the machinery avoiding the disposal of waste material. Moreover, it is facilitated the recovery of all the solid parts which are comfortably collected in two proper filters.
Application fields  Application fields are manifold as taps and fittings, valves, small metal, plastic, automotive and all the other sectors where it is necessary to get  washed pieces.

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