PARTNER no. 6/11   loghi200x100-cogeim Pav. 8
Stand 06
Via Villapia n. 9/11 – 20010 Casorezzo (Milano) Italy
Phone: +39 02 9032261- Fax: +39 02 90296850
Website: www.cogeim.it/en/
Mail: info@cogeim.it
  Commodity Sectors 79.00 -machines and equipment the treatment and finishing surfaces
82.00 – machines for cleaning metals
  Company Profile COGEIM EUROPE has been designing and manufacturing shot blasting, shot peening and sandblasting installations for more than 40 years. Thanks to its experience, the technical expertise of its engineers and the continouos technological innovation, Cogeim manufactures machineries which stand out for their very high quality, fulfilling the requirements of its customers. Cogeim Europe is certified according to regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2000.
Processing step  SANDBLASTING
Processing step description Feeding of work pieces
After the cooling process, the work pieces leave the cooling tunnel and are conveyed, via a rubber belt conveyor, to a shot-blasting machine for the blasting process.
After the closing of the loading / unloading door, the movement of the rubber mat of the shot-blasting machine start the tumbling of the work pieces. As the abrasive supply valve opens, the turbine throws the abrasive against the work pieces at very high-speed (more than 80m/s), performing the surface cleaning treatment.
Offloading of the machine
At the end of the selected blasting time, the blasted parts are offloaded onto a rubber conveyor belt, which conveys them to the robotic transfer loading device.
Particularly interesting processings Loading of the work pieces into the shot-blasting machine through mobile conveyor, capable of preventing the dents on the parts treated in bulk.
Machines and/or equipment and/or employed materials  Rubber belt conveyor shot-blasting machine, type COGEIM TG 1, complete with FC 4 – ATEX cartridges dust collector.
General data sheet (machines, equipment, employed materials) See the Section “Gallery”, or visit the following website: http://www.cogeim.it/en/cp43/shot-blasting-machine-mod.-tg-1/
Characteristics or innovative applications (machines, equipment, employed materials) 
  • Fully automatic system; it can easily be inserted into a continuous production line. By the PLC programmable through a touch-screen, and thanks to the Profibus interface, the blasting machine can also be remotely controlled.
  • The single-disc turbine, due to its lower inertia, ensures a reduction of the electrical power consumption.
  • The mobile loading conveyor avoids the use of a bucket loader, which would result in the dent of the materials during the loading into the shot-blasting machine.
Application fields  The TG type rubber belt shot blasting machines are used in forging, foundry, metal work, aluminum industry, automotive industry, etc.

Typical applications include:

  • Elimination of oxide or calamine and preparation for painting.
  • Deburring and polishing of light alloy components.
  • Increased of surface roughness as preparation for painting, galvanizing and metallization.
  • Elimination of sand from in cast iron, steel or bronze.
  • Shot peening.
  • Paint removal.

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