Company Title


Via Gaudenzio Ferrari, 21/C – 21047 Saronno (VA)
Phone: 02 94552651 – Fax: N.D
Web site: www.kipp.it – Mail: info@kipp.it

Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors   71.00 – accessories
74.00 – mechanical components
  Company Profile   For over 100 years our mission is to guarantee the best quality and service to our customers. We design and produce working parts, standard elements and clamping systems with the aim to offer an extraordinary product that embodies all the values of high quality.
  Products and/or Service dealed Clamping technology, working parts and standard elements
  Exhibited Products Handles, lever handles, pommels, leaflet, swivel lock, quick-locking tensioners, hinge, spring-loaded pressure coupling elements, Positioning plugs and fasteners, mechanical elements and components for equipment

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