

BIE 2020 is going yellow with new FANUC area

Since the desire to participate in the fair is strong, FANUC has redesigned its participation in BIE 2020 by creating an extraordinary exhibition space more digital than ever, dedicated to the virtual presentation of all its products and with its flagship “after-sales service”.

FANUC will exhibit its products with a new digital formula, its staff will collect visitors requests to book an appointment and to see the products live in the FANUC showroom.

FANUC offers a complete after-sales service wallet: Preventive and predictive maintenance contracts, calibration of the machines by qualified personnel, immediate availability of spare parts, timely assistance in case of breakdowns and targeted training to deepen the functioning of the solutions adopted. The main interest of FANUC assistance and support service is always the costumer and its specific production scenario, a real tailor-made after-sales with highly customizable assistance service packages.

What will you see at the FANUC digital area:

  • The efficient group of SERVICE FIRST technicians who, either directly in the field or by telephone, are always ready to intervene to optimize your machine and extend its life cycle.
  • More than replacements parts – a promise that lasts for all the life cycle! Indeed, to precisely meet individual needs, FANUC offers a wide range of solutions for components.  The high availability of components, together with the excellent logistics network, also ensure that items will quickly reach their destination both day and night.
  • The FANUC ACADEMY offers everything needed to improve the competences and increase the productivity. FANUC is passionate about automation and wants nothing more than to convey this passion to students, machines operators, programmers, maintenance specialists, machine tool manufacturers, system integrators, line builders or designers. The aim of these courses is not only to transferee the knowledge of FANUC products, but also to address the issues and to understand the needs of the customers for the realization and the improvement of products more and more to the vanguard, placing quality and experience to the first place

Who is FANUC.

FANUC offers integrated solutions for automation of machine tools, which allow companies not only to reduce labour costs, but also to improve quality and decrease downtime. These are solutions created to guarantee a simple and efficient operation and offer the highest performances.

With three product divisions, FANUC is the only company in this sector to develop and produce all major components internally. Every detail, either hardware that software, is subject to strict quality controls.

The new generation of IoT systems allows FANUC automation solutions to exchange a huge amount of data in real time so as to improve the process through self-learning. At the basis of this new possibility there are intelligent sensors, motors and advanced technology robots that make up the digital network.

Lean technology and the reduction of components to the bare minimum make FANUC solutions reliable, predictable and easy to repair.

The global and timely assistance service, with offices in 263 countries around the world, the central warehouse in Luxembourg and the customization centre in Europe, then provide the best support for the development of customized solutions and maintenance of the machinery.

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