Company Title   E.O.S SRL

Via Divisione Acqui, 125 – 25126 Brescia (BS)
Phone: 030 3730746 – Fax: 030 51098013
Website: www.eostudio.it – Mail: info@eostudio.it

Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 409.05 – systems for monitoring the status of machines
409.13 – traceability systems
02.00 – electronic equipment
03.00 – automation for storage and transportation
08.00 – software for manufacturing
67.00 – quality control, software
  Company Profile E.O.S. srl is a company which deals with planning and production of hardware and software for industrial automation. EOS developed a panel which allows a connection to the network for every kind of machine; the Net Monitoring Software allows a rapid test of the machine status, efficiency statistics, production progress and more from any device.
  Products and/or Service dealed  Monitoring systems through Wi-Fi panels and MES software
Microprocessor controls on several platforms and operating systems
Integrated machine controllers, custom operator panels, touch, multilingual with integrated management of some fieldbus
Projects of digital and analogue electronics
  Exhibited Products  E.O.S NET PANEL The control unit E.O.S. NET PANEL, placed on the machine, is connected wireless to the Local Area Network (WLAN) 802.11 b/g and it can receive and transmit information to a server PC connected to the network. Integrated with the PC software of data collection and managing, it permits to monitor and control the state of production of a machine placed inside the factory, real-time, by only one PC watchable by remote connection. NET MONITORING SOFTWARE A complete system to manage the archive and to monitor and control the production in real-time.


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