
Great enthusiasm for BIE 2016, which has become a well established and important opportunity for the area to emphasize internationally its centrality in the industrial sector and in particular in the metalworking and technology sector.

Brescia strengthens its reputation of being an attractive location for national and international companies.

BIE will present the international excellences of the province in its Special Guest Area with the exhibit of products and processing lines with high technical prominence.

Also great brands of the industrial sector have already confirmed their participation, such as COMAU (FCA Group) – world leader in automation and integrated systems – which will be for the first time “Official Sponsor” of an exhibition. Among the exhibitors MAZAK, the international giant in machine tools.

Great feedback from the automation sector, which is experiencing a period of intense vitality. Italy is undoubtedly in pole position in this sector, since it is becoming one of the first countries in the world in industrial robotics production.

Keyword of BIE 2016 is also Internationalization. The “Foreign Buyers Incoming” project will guarantee the presence of foreign buyers interested in both purchasing products and giving birth to productive partnerships and/or business deals. AHK Italien and DEinternational – Official Sponsor of BIE 2016 – will provide free consultations for exhibitors and visitors about how to approach German-speaking markets.


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