 Company Title   ZECCHETTI SRL
Via Galileo Galilei, 1-1/A – 42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE)
Phone: 0522 867411 – Fax: 0522 866034
Website: www.zecchetti.it – Mail: info@zechetti.it
Pad.   – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 15.00 – automatic storehouse
16.00 – handling systems
  Company Profile  Zecchetti Srl is a Co. founded in 1960 counting 110 employees oranized in the activities of design, production, sale, assembling and after sales.
Zecchetti manufactures “turn-key” systems and supplies “tailor-made, 100 made-in Italy” solutions.
The Zecchetti installations are present in over 90 different countries worldwide.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

Zecchetti proposes as supplier of “integrated logistic”.
The production range includes Vertical Automated Warehouses and Stacker-Cranes as well as the relevant control software interfacing with all the Company ERP.
The Mission is: Deliver real “goods-to-person” logistic solutions, that are unique and tailored to Customer’s need.
The Vision is : Being recognized as a logistic partner that delivers added value through advanced automatic warehousing solutions

  Exhibited Products

The Vertical Autoamtic Warehouse “SPAZIO®” represents the automated vertical warehouse range which, thanks to their modular structure can be “made to order” for every company. Namely from 2 to 7 modules to have the more suitable warehouse solution to employ the spaces at the best for a proper storage capacity and a higher logistic efficiency.
The machine on show presents one Double Bay and trays equipped in various ways.


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