Via don Pietro Giordano, 10 – 10043 Orbassano (Turin) Italy
Phone: +39 011 9005833 – Fax: +39 011 9005493
Website: www.yaskawa.eu.com
Stand …
  Commodity Sectors 05.00 – work piece and tool handling

06.00 – industrial robots

10.00 – assembly lines and assembly techniques

  Company Profile Yaskawa offers not only one of the completest robot range for the industry, but also the largest range of positioners, slides and gantries of its own design and manufacture. With more than 200.000 robots installed all over the world, of which 20.000 were installed in Europe, Yaskawa is the worldwide leader in the field of robotics.
  Why does the Company support BIE as a Sponsor? We support BIE 2017, because we think it can give us a return in terms of image in the field of metalworking and technology.
  Exhibited Products NUT Welding machine, GP8

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