   Company Title   TRON SRL
Via Guido Rossa, 17/19 – 25060 Cellatica (BS)
Phone: 030 2773940 – Fax: 030 2773095
Website: www.tron.it – Mail: info@tron.it
Pad.   – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 18.00 – working-environment cleaning systems
26.00 – refrigeration plants and equipment
83.00 – safety, environment and depuration
87.00 – machines for industrial cleaning
89.00 – exhaust and filtration systems
90.00 – cooling and air-treatment systems
  Company Profile  For more than 30 years TRON has been a leading company in the production of professional cleaning machines: vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuums, scrubbers, sweepers, water cleaners, bio-coolers. A wide range of products to solve any cleaning problem in every work environment: industry, cleaning companies, logistics-HO.RE.CA.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

Production and sale of vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaners, scrubbers, sweepers, water cleaners, bio-coolers. Assistance on all multi-brand machines, short and long-term rentals, used sales, consultancy and sector assistance for companies

  Exhibited Products

Machines for professional cleaning: vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuum cleaners, scrubbers, sweepers, high pressure washers, bio-coolers.


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