 bie_espositore_t4sm Company Name  TOOLS FOR SMART MINDS

Via Padania, 16 – 25030 Castel Mella (Brescia) Italy
Phone: +39 030 2681510 – Fax: +39 030 3586487
Website: www.toolsforsmartminds.com – Mail: info@toolsforsmartminds.com

Stand …
  Commodity Sectors 08.00 – software for manufacturing
67.00 – quality control, software
70.00 – measuring instruments and machines
  Company Profile  TOOLS for SMART MINDS helps customers deliver unique products quickly and cost-effectively. Our software technology is architected from the ground up to deliver a high-precision solution together with an easy integration with third-party solutions as well as short time to market and lifetime guarantee to customer applications.
  Exhibited Products iDaq iDaq is the most intuitive and innovative solution to acquire signals from National Instrument-based test benches and lab tests. The perfect datalogger for non-technical users who want to visualize and store signals without configuring their hardware details.

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