Company Title    TIPS SRL
Via Fraz. Piani, 84 – 64034 Castiglione M.R (TE)
Phone: 0854 472025 – Fax: 0270 0517430
Website: www.3dprn.com – Mail: info@3dprn.com
Pad stand 
  Commodity Sectors   405.00 – additive manufacturing
405.01 – 3D printers
  Company Profile   Tips srl manufacturing of the printers 3D professional 3DPRN, are a present Italian firm on the market from over 20 years in the software production and hardware to tall technological content.
From the planning to the realization. Tips srl is set as primary objective that to offer you solutions of quality to elevated personalization.
  Products and/or Service dealed   All the printers are entirely produced in Italy and endowed with a software owner optimized for printing 3DPRN.
In answer to the demands of his/her clients, 3DPRN propose printing efficient and with great productive abilities.
The printers 3DPRN are available in different series and models, according to the demands and graces to the application 3DPRNWARE (reaches the version 6.0), to realize rapid and accurate presses, in degree to exalt every detail, it is simple and immediate even more.

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