


   Company Title   TESAS SRL
Via Nazionale, 35/F – 25040 Ceto (BS)
Phone: 0039 03641955120 – Fax: 0039 03641950190
Website: www.iwf4k.com – email: info@iwf4k.com
Pad. 8 – stand I 13



  Commodity Sectors


04.00 – computers and peripherals
08.00 – software for manufacturing
14.00 – industrial logistics
67.00 – quality control, software
105.00 – services for the company
106.00 – services for the production
  Company Profile  TESAS S.r.l. is active in mechatronic automation since 2005. Our “MISSION” consists of being a partner of our Customers, supporting them in Production Performance and Quality improvement. Our “VISION” covers transversely high-tech mechanics, electronics and software to build integrated solutions.
  Products and/or Service dealed    Industrial Mechatronic solutions. Machine tools for special materials processing. Custom pick and place systems and machine tools data exchange. Control and measurement systems in touching and/or vision mode. Robots, machine tools, control systems integration and laser marking. Software solution and dedicated tools for process management.
  Exhibited Products

IWF4K sw/hw platform for integration of goods suitable for Industry 4.0 advantages of and industrial processes management. Helicopter Flight Simulator presented as spearhead of the mechatronics production of TESAS S.r.l.




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