Via F.lli Kennedy, 1/C – 25080 Mazzano (BS)
Phone: 030 2131496 – Fax: 030 7772527
Website: www.systemt.it – Mail: amministrazione@systemt.it
Pad stand 
  Commodity Sectors   09.00 – software for product development CAD, CAM, CAE and PLM
50.00 – software for machine tools
106.00 – services for the production
123.00 – chip-forming machinin
  Company Profile   System Technology is the direct distributor for Italy of the software cad / cam GO2cam (of ownership of the GO2cam International).
  Products and/or Service dealed   The company commercializes software cad / cam (of ownership of the GO2cam International) for the mechanical planning and the planning of: Cutters from 2X 1/2 to 5 aces in continuous, Lathes from 2X to 10X, Erosions from 2X to 4X. of any brand. It guarantees the personalization of the pps on specific client and the continuous technical support post sale.
  Exhibited Products   New version of the software CAD / CAM GO2cam V6.6

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