Company Title  SR TECH SRL
Via Segrè, 11/A – 43122 Parma (PR)
Phone: 0521 1556626 – Fax: 0521 606285
Website: www.srtech.it – Mail: commerciale@srtech.it
Pad. – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 114.00 – die casting
117.00 – other molds
120.00 – foundries and die casting
121.00 – mechanical works for third parties
  Company Profile SR Tech is specialized in Techical Items imported from China. We offer products with following technlogies: Investment Casting, Plastic Injection Moulding, Metal Injection Moulding, Aluminum Die casting. One of the advantages we offer is reserve stock management trough KanBan system. This enable us to reduce supply time to only 3 working days.
  Products and/or Service dealed   Investment Casting, Plastic Tooling and Plastic injection moulding, Metal Injection Moulding, Aluminum Die Casting
Exhibited Products   We are able to produce Technical Items for. Automotive, Oil and Gas, Furniture, professional Kitchens, Food and Beverage Industry

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