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The OMR Group is one of the main supplier of global solutions and manufacturer of automotive components and unities at worldwide level, both for the first equipment and for the Aftersales.

Being able to develop technological innovations and increasingly competitive products is a key factor for the OMR Group.

Innovation does not concern only “products”, but also “processes”, and is a requirement that conditions all the choices made with reference to development strategies and dimensional growth.

It produces components for the first equipment and for the “Aftersales” market, with regards to motorvehicles and road means of transport (Automobiles, industrial means of transport, Motorcycles and diggers), for all the leading manufacturers in the world.

The present OMR, which is a great Group with branch offices in Italy, Brasil, Morocco, India and China, was born through Officine Meccaniche Rezzatesi, whose headquarters are in Rezzato, a small town in the province of Brescia.

Find out more: http://www.omrautomotive.com



OMR Settori di Business


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