Company Title  SOGITECH SRL
Via J.F Kennedy, 9 – 20090 Rodano (MI)
Phone: 02 95351439 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.sigitechsrl.com – Mail: commerciale@sigitechsrl.com
Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 22.00 – machining centers
25.00 – milling machines
51.00 – lathes
  Company Profile Sogitech is a technical sales company focused on the assistance and sale of Twin Horn machining centers, a Taiwanese brand of which we are the only dealer for all of Italy. Strong point of Sogitech? Seriousness and respect towards all our customers.
  Products and/or Service dealed   We provide customers with a complete post-sales service: installations, education, production start-up and installation of accessories. We are above all specialized in the production of turnkey systems which, given our experience, are often requested by dealers from the most prestigious European and Japanese manufacturers.

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