


 Company Title   SME UP SPA
Via Iseo, 43 – 25030 Erbusco (BS)
Phone: 030 7724111 – Fax: 030 772432
Website: www.smeup.com – Mail: info@smeup.com
Pad. 8 – stand 



  Commodity Sectors


04.00 – computers and peripherals
08.00 – software for manufacturing
09.00 – software for product development CAD, CAM, CAE and PLM 10.00 – assembly lines and assembly techniques
  Company Profile  Gruppo Sme.UP is the IT partner drives companies in digital transformation with the most suitable Software and Hardware Solutions, in a process of evolution of IT technologies aimed at improving business processes. 9 locations in northern and central Italy, 400 resources, 1200 customers in Italy and worldwide and 44 million in turnover in 2017.
  Products and/or Service dealed  
Gruppo Sme.UP is expanding and can count on an expertise that includes: Management Software – ERP, Infrastructure and Cloud, Retail Software, Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management, Document Software, Digital Services and Web Marketing, HR Software, Design software (CAD, BIM, PDM, PLM, etc.). An important focus is on Industrial IoT and on integration of companies manufacturing branches, but not only.
  Exhibited Products

Do you need to collect data from production machines and / or process steps? Do you want to analyze the main causes of inefficiency? Industry 4.0 makes integrations of factory data essential with other data sources, both internal and external to the company. The data is today the most precious resource present in the company, but often we do not have this perception. It is essential to transform the data into information, to keep it in order to quickly retrieve it when needed.


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