


   Company Title   SKYROPE SRL
Via Cremona, 170 – 25124 Brescia (BS)
Phone: 030 8779078 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.skyrope.it – Mail: luca.gubbini@skyrope.it
Pad. 8 – stand J1



  Commodity Sectors


105.00 – services for the company
  Company Profile  SkyRope provides rescue teams for the prevention and the management of emergencies in complex industrial and non industrial environments. Consultancy services, training and tutoring on the job fo works at height, confined spaces and first aid. Qualified predictive maintenances services with drones and rope access techniques.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

The presence of highly qualified personnel, able to carry out rescue activities in complex industrial environments, helps to reduce the consequences of a possible emergency scenario. Use of latest generation devices and of correct techniques guarantees an effective emergency intervention, a correct handling of the victim and its transportation both vertically and horizontally, also by means of rope access techniques, reviewed for the industrial environment.

  Exhibited Products

Specialistic equipment for the management of the emergency during the execution of works at height and confined spaces, first aid systems for industrial environments.


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