Via Orzinuovi, 58/A – 25124 Brescia (BS)
Phone: 030 347277 – Fax: 030 349072
Website: www.scao.it – Fax: scao@scao.it
Pad stand 
  Commodity Sectors   409.11 – management software, platforms and digital applications
08.00 – software for manufacturing
50.00 – software for machine tools
67.00 – quality control, software
105.00 – services for the company
106.00 – services for the production
  Company Profile   Scao Informatica has been working alongside manufacturing companies for over 40 years, developing software applications and ERP to increase competitiveness and reduce costs in production and logistics. We are involved in several Industry 4.0 projects certified with sworn expertise by a qualified engineer.
  Products and/or Service dealed   ScaoIndustrial is MES applications platform designed for the manifacturing industry that can be completely configured. All ScaoIndustrial applications connect in real time to the management software in use, acquiring the data and returning the required information, allowing the use also from tablet / smartphone. They are able to operate events and notifications in the management system and can interact with external services to send mail, text messages or contact remote services.
  Exhibited Products   eTabula: an interactive and semi-automatic scheduler to plan with respect to capacity, load and delivery dates.
eCertus: a system for collecting production data to know in real time the efficiency of the work centers and the real business costs.
eMachina: a MES system that monitors machine tools in real time, meeting the requirements of Industry 4.0.
eFocus: a software solution able to manage the quality control in line and the control plans set.

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