 RETIQA Company Name 



Via Aldo Moro, 5 – 25123 Brescia Italy
Phone: /Fax: +39 030 220313
Website: www.retiqa.com Mail: info@retiqa.com
Stand …



  Commodity Sector


105.00 – services for the company
  Company Profile RETIQA is The NET among service-providing companies that deal with technical-strategic advice: from training to R&D, from concessions and contributions to planning and management, from certifications to organizational models.
  Exhibited Products Showing of the Range of the Services of the Net, paying specific attention to the two novelties concerning:

  • CONTRIBUTIONS for R&D: tax-break tools that support R&D activities. Opportunity of highest incentives thanks to the assistance of an ODR (Organismo di Ricerca della Rete = Net Research Structure),
  • LEGALITY RATING: competitive-advantage tool that attests the legality of a company and rewards its working according to Responsibility and Honesty principles and gives benefits such as: facilitate the access to bank credit, assure priority with regards to access to funding and concessional calls for bids, strengthen the corporate reputation and its market positioning.

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