 bie_espositore_portanew Company Name   PORTA SOLUTIONS S.P.A.
Via S. Lorenzo, 39 – 25069 Villa Carcina (Brescia) Italy
Phone: +39 030 8900587 – Fax: +39 030 8900531
Website: www.porta-solutions.com – Mail: info@porta-solutions.com
Stand …
  Commodity Sectors 21.00 – sheet metal working cells and systems
22.00 – machining centers
39.00 – transfer machines and work units
49.00 – flexible manufacturing systems and cells
  Company Profile PORTA SOLUTIONS designes and manufactures versatile machines used by companies active in different sectors: automotive, aeronautics, hydraulics and so on.
  Exhibited Products MULTICENTER is a valid alternative to machines with double-spindle technology. This solution is more appropriate for the production of medium/small lot sizes, with frequent equipment/production changes. This machine enables a concrete optimization of workforce resources, automation, tooling/fixturing costs, floor space required and part re-clamping errors.

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