Via Circonvallazione Bran, 605 – 37013 Capriano Veronese (VR)
Phone: 045 6230844 – Fax: 045 6239028
Website: www.packmatrading.it – Mail: sales@packmatrading.it
Pad stand 
  Commodity Sectors   06.00 – industrial robots
07.00 – packaging systems and products
10.00 – assembly lines and assembly techniques
  Company Profile   Our Company is leader in the realization of automatic fittings. The great competence and professionalism in the sector allow us to propose to our clients a complete service beginning from the phases of consultation for the individualization of the typology of fitter solution.
  Products and/or Service dealed   automatic installations , automatic machineries, lines of packing, shuttles agv, robot, systems of marcatura and systems it stamps and it applies
  Exhibited Products   automatic lines, shuttles agv, robot, systems of marcatura and systems it stamps and it applies

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