Company Title    OMEGA GRUPPO
Via L. Pasini, 4 – 30020 Quarto d’Altino (VE)
Phone: 0422 823810 – Fax: 0422 1660000
Website: www.omegagruppo.it – Mail: marketing@omegagruppo.it
Pad stand 
  Commodity Sectors   401.02 – strategic and technological consultancy
403.02 – training: management and methodologies
408.00 – horizontal-vertical intregation
409.00 – industrial internet (IIoT)
412.00 – big data and analytics
08.00 – software for manufacturing
  Company Profile   High-innovative services and software solutions, a professional team with grounded expertise and know how, expanded skills including AS/400 ambient and Microsoft as well: since 1985 Omega Gruppo offers “continuity in digital improvement”, standing as companies key-partner in digital transformation and Industry 4.0 successful investments.
  Products and/or Service dealed   Agilis Demand Driven MRP; Agilis APS; Agilis Smart MES; Agilis WMS; Agilis Collaborative Manufacturing; Agilis Lean Manufacturing; Agilis Project Management; Agilis Manteinance Management; Agilis Business Intelligence
  Exhibited Products   Agilis Erp: take the best from your business processes with demand driven operation modeling thanks to the only Italian software certificated by the Demand Driven Institute Agilis Smart Mes: collect and analyse production data thanks to Iot interconnected devices and manage in real time the whole production process. Agilis Aps: plan the production, control and manage accidents along the entire cycle, simulate new production plan taking into consideration predictions on market perturbations.

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