Via M. K. Gandhi, 25 – 24051 Antegnate (BG)
Phone: 0363 905090 – Fax: 0363 915077
Website: www.officineberettasrl.it – Mail: amministrazione@officineberettasrl.it
Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors   20.00 – boring machines
22.00 – machining centers
25.00 – milling machines
  Company Profile   Our company operates for the realization of ready now and self-centring vice Novina
READY NOW is a mechanical system for blocking and positioning parts to be worked in a reference position.
The purpose of this mechanical system is to reposition more quickly the parts to be worked, saving on the timing of set up of the machine, but guaranteeing a firm and precise lock.
The SELF-CENTRING VICE NOVINA is suitable for the realization of small and medium particular parts.


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