


   Company Title   LITOS SRL
Via Pasture, 3 – 25040 Gianico (BS)
Phone: 0364531830 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.litos.srl – Mail: info@litos.srl
Pad. 8 – stand J9



  Commodity Sectors


150.00 – publishing
  Company Profile  Litos srl, born from the conjunction between “Tipografia Camuna” and “la Cittadina”, is a printing company specialized in offset printing. From design to production, it provides the 155-year experience for producing all types of printed matter.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

Commercial printing, packaging, catalogs, brochures and any type of printed paper. In addition to the printing production department, Litos srl is equipped with a prepress department for graphic processing.

  Exhibited Products

Printed products of various types, product catalogs, company brochures, price lists, paper shopping bags and packaging in various formats.


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