Via Roma, 114 – 24064 Grumello del Monte (BG)
Phone: 035 839400 – Fax: 035 4496693
Website: www.lmtecnologie.com – Mail: info@lmtecnologie.com
Pad. 8  – stand H 6
  Commodity Sectors 83.00 – safety, environment and depuration
89.00 – exhaust and filtration systems
90.00 – cooling and air-treatment systems
120.00 – foundries and die casting
  Company Profile  Company dedicated for over thirty years to the construction of industrial suction and filtration systems with the aim of improving the quality of work at the service of our company. customers.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

Customer analysis, design, construction, installation and assistance of industrial suction plants.


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