Company Title   Innovation experience HUB – innexHUB
Via Cefalonia, 60 – 25124 Brescia (BS)
Tel: 030 2292.398
Website: www.innexhub.it
Email: info@innexhub.itsegreteria@innexhub.it
Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 401.02 – strategic and technological consultancy
403.01 – training: for the 4.0 approach
  Company Profile  InnexHUB was established with the aim of promoting awareness and speading knowledge around the key topics of innovation and digital transformation across micro and SMEs
At the same time innexHUB aspires to be a trusted parnter for micro and SMEs in their digital technologies’ adoption journey
  Products and/or Service dealed  
‘- Seminars / workshops on industy 4.0 topics
– Digital maturity assessement tool’s administration
– Support in the access to industry 4.0 funding opportunities
– Orientation and matchmaking related to the provision of technical consulting and specialized training with reference to industry 4.0 topics


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