 logo_il_camelopardo Company Name   IL CAMELOPARDO

Via Pradello, 2 – 24121 Bergamo
Phone: +39 035 271070 – Fax: +39 02 700522127 Website: www.ilcamelopardo.it –  Mail: info@ilcamelopardo.it

Stand B 31
  Commodity Sectors 105 – services for the company
  Company Profile Web agency from Bergamo, which – since 2002 – has been dealing with: web marketing, newsletters, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), websites in WordPress and much more. We are a web agency specialized for B2B, for the industrial and manufacturing sector, which adheres to Confindustria Bergamo. These are some of our clients: ITIA-CNR, Citizen Macchine Italia, AFIL, Mecmatica, CFI.
  Exhibited Products Thanks to our long-standing collaboration with ITIA-CNR (the Institute of industrial technologies and automation of the CNR- National Research Council) and with the Università degli Studi of Bergamo, we offer “B2B web marketing” to manufacturing and industrial companies: SEO Search Engine Optimization, email marketing, advertising campaigns, websites in WordPress, preexisting-website update and maintenance, generation of new B2B contacts, lead generation, tools for sales force. We adhere to Confindustria Bergamo.

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