Via Pier Luigi Nervi, 13 – 25050 Passirano (BS)
Phone: 030 6850370 – Fax: 030 6850511
Website: www.iecionline.com – Mail: ieci@iecionline.com
Pad. 8 – stand H17
  Commodity Sectors 409.12 – predictive maintenance of the machines and intervention planning
26.00 – refrigeration plants and equipment
30.00 – machines, systems and equipment for foundry
31.00 – machines, systems and equipment for casting
120.00 – foundries and die casting
  Company Profile  IECI is among the world leaders in the sector of the termoregolazione for dice in pressofusione. Been born in the sector of the plastics, today you/he/she is specialized in applications more powerful and reliable cpaci to offer the support of high-level required from the greatest foundries of the world.
  Products and/or Service dealed  
Pressurized water thermoregulators up to 200 ° C and diathermic oil thermoregulators up to 350 ° C. IECI also produces special thermoregulators dedicated to pistons and containers. Cooling tanks and press connection systems are also in production.


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