 loghi200x100-cogeim Company Name
Via Villapia n. 9/11 – 20010 Casorezzo (Milano) Italy
Phone: +39 02 9032261- Fax: +39 02 90296850
Website: www.cogeim.it/en/
Mail: info@cogeim.it
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Commodity Sectors

79.00 -machines and equipment the treatment and finishing surfaces
82.00 – machines for cleaning metals
  Company Profile COGEIM EUROPE has been designing and manufacturing shot blasting, shot peening and sandblasting installations for more than 40 years. Thanks to its experience, the technical expertise of its engineers and the continouos technological innovation, Cogeim manufactures machineries which stand out for their very high quality, fulfilling the requirements of its customers. Cogeim Europe is certified according to regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2000.
  Exhibited Products Tumbling rubber belt shot blasting machine provided with one turbine for the treatment of parts in bulk loads.
Load capacity 400kg = 270 liters.
Automatic loading system by hydraulic operated skip loader and weighing system, safety barrier: the blasted parts are unloaded by a belt conveyor for the conveying of the material over one side.
Applications: surface treatment (cleaning and/or deburring) of steel, aluminum and brass parts.

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