



Via Cesare Battisti, 38 – 25080 – Polpenazze del Garda (BS)
Phone: 030 675872 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.gattifiltrazionilubrificanti.it – E-Mail: info@gattifiltrazionilubrificanti.it

Pad. 5  – stand C 1



  Commodity Sectors


87.00 – industrial cleaning machines
89.00 – vacuum and filtration systems
106.00 – production services
  Company Profile  Thanks to a professional and highly experienced service, which consists in PREPARING ANALYSIS, FILTRATION AND SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE, Gatti Filtrazioni Lubrificanti decreases the breakdowns and downtime, increases the efficiency of the plants, thus offering a reduction in operating costs and an improvement in productivity.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

GATTI FILTRAZIONI LUBRIFICANTI deals with filtering systems which allow the cleaning of lubricants from sludge, water and metals at any temperature and viscosity. They can also be used for the filtration of wate-glycol mixtures. Within the company is a laboratory of analysis able to estimate reports on lubricants, water-glycol mixtures and cooling lubricats. One of the latest innovations is the oil separator for the mould release agent.

  Exhibited Products

Automatic filtering system for the cleaning of hydraulic oil and water-glycol mixtures. Oil separator for mould release agent.


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