Logo Filaverse  Company Name   FILAVERSE – 3D PRINTING
Via Zacchetti, 7 – 25027 Quinzano D’oglio (Brescia) ItalyPhone: +39 030 7777366
Sito web: www.filaverse.it – Mail: info@filaverse.it
Stand …
  Commodity Secotrs 09.00 – software for product development CAD,
46.00 – rapid prototyping
66.00 – other materials
106.00 – services for the production
117.00 – other molds
  Company Profile FILAVERSE is a dynamic company, active in the sector of 3D printing, we offer professional 3D printers and plastic filaments of materials dedicated to mechanics, art, architecture and hobbies. For us, Customer care is at least as essential as product development, our pre- and after-sales service is always available.
  Exhibited Products FILAVERSE exhibits its range of 8 3D printers to meet the professional requirements of design firms and the industrial requirements of manufacturing companies. It displays a catalog with regards to filaments made of plastic polymers with technical solutions dedicated to mechanics, art, architecture and hobbies. Our pre- and after-sales customer service helps our customers with the choice of the right material depending on the project they have to carry out and assists them after the purchase in order to achieve the best result.

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