
FB Srl 
Company Name 



F.B. S.R.L.
Via Dell’Artigianato, 605 – 20014 Crevalcore (Bologna) Italy
Phone: +39 051 981928 – Fax: +39 051 6800381
Website: www.fb-srl.com – Mail: info@fb-srl.com
Stand …



  Commodity Sector


43.00 – planers, shapers, slotting and broaching


  Company Profile FB S.r.l. was founded in 1973 as a small mechanical engineering concern performing contract work in the field of drilling and deburring of gears. From the mid 1990s the company grew significantly in terms of infrastructure, workforce, capital equipment and sales. Specialised in broaching (up to d.350 mm), slotting and deburring work in small, medium and large series to any specification or standardized parts to meet the needs of an increasingly extensive and demanding range of clients, FB S.r.l. has always made of quality and reliability its core aims and thanks to the constant attention to sector developments and trends, the company occupies currently a front line position in the manufacturing industry in Italy, also in terms of efficiency and turnaround times.

Gaining of ISO 9001 certification, constant development of machinery, new investments in the production process, highly skilled personnel and the latest generation of measuring instruments have allowed the company to enter the ranks of the leading manufacturers of mechanical transmissions.

  Exhibited Products FB S.r.l. is constantly evolving in terms of technology, and is characterized through constant and careful research to improve production efficiency and maximise quality levels. Quality, competence, technology and service are decisive factors on the global market and since FB S.r.l. achieves excellence in all these areas, the company is well placed to act as a reliable partner for its customers.

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