Via Luigi Abbiati, 14 – 25125 Brescia (BS)
Phone: 030 3581748 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.digitaluniversitas.com – Mail: info@digitaluniversitas.com
Pad  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors   162.00 – schools and institutes
  Company Profile   Digital Universitas promotes new educational and cultural forms that bring together know-how, entrepreneurship and school to prepare the next generation of digital workers. The aim is to create a new way of training on new digital methods, both for those leaving school and for those already in the workplace.
  Products and/or Service dealed   To accelerate the formation of new resources specialized in digital transformation, Digital Universitas delivers 2 free full-time masters for graduates and people looking for a new professional position: THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT MASTER and the DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION MASTER.
  Exhibited Products   THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT MASTER: path designed for technical institutes graduates, technical workers who want to seize tomorrow’s opportunities. 18 months of actual activities (12 months of free full-time course + 6 months of paid internship in the company) 1920 hours of workshop activity with practical lessons on the latest generation machinery. 24 weeks of paid internships in one of the companies that support the master.

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