  PARTNER n. 3A/15   Pad. 8
“La Fabbrica in Fiera”
  Company Title   CSMT GESTIONE S.C.ARL.
Via Branze, 45 – 25123 Brescia (BS)
Phone: 030 6595111 – Fax: 030 6595000
Website: www.csmt.it – Mail: info@csmt.it
  Commodity Sectors 10.00 -assembly lines and assembly techniques
105.00 – services for the company
106.00 – services for the production
  Company Profile  CSMT, with six competence centers – Applied Research and Product Sustainability, Management Innovation and Lean Management, Financed Projects, Diecasting, Profibus & Profinet and Specialized Advanced Training – aims to stimulate innovation and its application to increasing and improving the skills and competitiveness of companies, guiding them in the process of digital transformation.
Products and/or Service dealed   Review and reorganization of business processes;
Digitization and IoT integration;
Design, certification, safety & security of industrial communication networks;
Interconnection of machinery and information systems;
Sworn reports;
High level training;
Applied Research;
Research and management of project financing.
Exhibited Products

Die Casting Isle
HPDC School – High pressure Die Casting School
Master MAXE – Manager for Excellence
Profibus & Profinet technologies

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