
Company Name 



Viale della Repubblica, 193/B – 31100 Treviso Italy
Phone: +39 335 1830434
Website: www.chilicode.it – Mail: innovation@chilicode.it
Stand D26 D28 D32



  Commodity Sector


105.00 – services for the company
  Company Profile Chili Code Srl is a young company, which – through the Design Facilitated Innovation approach – supports its customers both in developing Web Platforms for the management of services & corporate processes and in using the IoT (internet of things) as a tool for product & process improvement.
  Exhibited Products We developed the platform GESTUA,
a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) entirely web developed and provided as “in Cloud” service. Facility Managers can rely on GESTUA, a tool that is efficient, easy to use, accessible through mobile devices, and safe through its in Cloud AWS configuration. The management of maintenance processes was enhanced through the IoT in order to provide online monitoring and start the PREDICTIVE and PREVENTIVE maintenance processes.

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