
BIE 2018 Exhibitors

       Company Title   INFRAGAS NOVA IMPIANTI S.N.C Via Santorre di Ssantarosa, 32 – 10040 Leinì (TO) Phone: 011 9973971 – Fax: 011 9973992 Website: www.infragasnova.com – e-mail: sales@infragasnova.com Pad. 8  – stand       Commodity Sectors   26.00 – refrigeration plants and equipment 30.00 – machines, systems and equipment for foundry […]

    Company Title         OVERMACH SPA   Via Giuseppe Righi, 12 – 43122 Parma (PR) Phone: 0521 771071 – Fax: 0521 771291 Website: www.overmach.it – Mail: info@overmach.it Pad. 5  – Stand D 2-8         Commodity Sectors       21.00 – sheet metal working cells and systems 22.00 […]

       Company Title   TRON SRL Via Guido Rossa, 17/19 – 25060 Cellatica (BS) Phone: 030 2773940 – Fax: 030 2773095 Website: www.tron.it – Mail: info@tron.it Pad. 8  – stand J 5       Commodity Sectors   18.00 – working-environment cleaning systems 26.00 – refrigeration plants and equipment 83.00 – safety, environment […]

       Company Title   SKYROPE SRL Via Cremona, 170 – 25124 Brescia (BS) Phone: 030 8779078 – Fax: N.D Website: www.skyrope.it – Mail: luca.gubbini@skyrope.it Pad. 8 – stand J1       Commodity Sectors   105.00 – services for the company   Company Profile  SkyRope provides rescue teams for the prevention and the […]

  Company Title         ELEZINCO SRL   Via Jesina, 25/A – 60022 Castelfidardo (AN) Phone: 071 780602 – Fax: 071 7820048 Website: www.elezinco.it – mail: info@elezinco.it Pad. 8 – Stand I 9         Commodity Sectors       130.00 – surface treatment and finishing   Company Profile Elezinco srl, […]

  Company Title    CAPPA SRL Via Zona Industriale II fase – Viale 11, 26 – 97100 Ragusa (RG) Phone: 0932 667211 – Fax: 0932 667888 Website: www.cappasrl.it – Mail: info@cappasrl.com Pad. – stand          Commodity Sectors       01.00 – electric equipment 54.00 – aluminum and light alloys

    Company Title         PERSONAL DATA SRL   Via Orzinuovi, 20 – 25125 Brescia (BS) Phone: 030 2421818 – Fax: 030 226324 Website: www.personaldata.it – Mail: info@personaldata.it Pad. 8 – Stand I 7         Commodity Sectors       04.00 – computers and peripherals 08.00 – software for […]

  PARTNER n. 14/15   Pad. 8 “La Fabbrica in Fiera”   Company Title   TECHNE SRL Via della Musia, 97 – 25135 Brescia (BS) Phone: 030 2186278 – Fax: N.D Website: www.technemetrologia.it – Mail: info@technemetrologia.it   Commodity Sectors 67.00 – quality control, software 70.00 – measuring instruments and machines 105.00 – services for the […]

  PARTNER n. 15/15   Pad. 8 “La Fabbrica in Fiera”   Company Title   RAFFMETAL SPA Via Della Musia, 52/54 – 25135 Brescia (BS) Phone: 030 364030 – Fax: 030 361730 Website: www.stain.it – Mail: acasati@stain.it   Commodity Sectors 08.00 – software for manufacturing 106.00 – services for the production       Company […]

    PARTNER n. 13/15    Pad. 8                                   “La Fabbrica in Fiera”     Company Title       STS SRL Via Luigi Galvani, 8 – 48123 Ravenna (RA) Phone: 0544 456731 – Fax: 0544 456733 Website: www.stsitaly.it – Mail: […]

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