
BIE 2017 Exhibitors

      Ragione Sociale CLARIUM SRL Piazza della Vittoria, 8 – 25122 Brescia Tel. 030 46383 – Fax: 030 7772229 Sito web: www.clarium.it  –  Mail: info@clarium.it Pad. 5 – Stand B 29 Settori Merceologici 105.00 – servizi per l’azienda Profilo aziendale Espositore confermato — I dati verranno pubblicati prima possibile Prodotti in fiera

  Company Name CSMT GESTIONE SCARL Via Branze, 45 – 25123 Brescia Phone: 030 6595111 – Fax: 030 6595000 Website: www.csmt.it  –  Mail: info@csmt.it Pad. 5 – Stand B 29 Company Sectors 105.00 – services for the company 106.00 – services for the production 135.00 – schools and institutes Company Profile Attività: Ricerca applicata, trasferimento tecnologico, consulenza e formazione, […]

Ragione Sociale   C.M.M. MACCHINE UTENSILI SRL Via Togliatti, 8 – 20060 Bussero (MI) Tel.: 02 95331019 Sito web: www.cmmcassano.it  –  Mail: commerciale@cmmcassano.it Pad. 5 – Stand B 29   Settori Merceologici     47.00 – rettificatrici 53.00 – acciai 65.00 – profili speciali e tubi 105.00 – servizi per l’azienda 106.00 – servizi per la […]

Company Name   PELLEGRINO CONSULTING SERVICES SRL Via Oriana Fallaci, 38 – 25030 Castel Mella (BS) Phone +39 030 3761164 – Fax +39 030 3761174 Website: www.pellegrino.it – Mail: pellegrino@pellegrino.it Stand …   Commodity Sectors 105.00 – services for the companies   Company Profile The Company works in the field of business consulting – in the area of facilitated financing and […]

  Company Name   NUOVA RUOTE DENTATE SRL Via Papa Giovanni XXIII, 70/A – 25086 Rezzato (Brescia) Italy Phone: +39 030 2792899 – Fax: +39 030 2792692 Website: www.nuovaruotedentate.com – Mail: info@nuovaruotedentate.com Stand …   Commodity Sectors 121.00 – foundries and die casting 123.00 – chip‐forming machining 128.00 – grinding and superfinishing 130.00 – surface treatment and […]

Company Name   YASKAWA ITALIA  SRL Via don Pietro Giordano, 10 – 10043 Orbassano (Turin) Italy Phone: +39 011 9005833 – Fax: +39 011 9005493 Website: www.yaskawa.eu.com Stand …          Commodity Sectors   05.00 – work piece and tool handling06.00 – industrial robots 10.00 – assembly lines and assembly techniques       Company […]

  Company Name  ABLE TECH SRL Via dell’Artigianato, 9/A – 25018 Montichiari (Brescia) Italy Phone: +39 030 9650688 – Fax: +39 030 81931160 Website: www.arxivar.it  –  Mail: info@abletech.it Stand …         Commodity Sectors 08.00 – software for manufacturing 105.00 – services for the company       Company Profile WE HELP YOU MANAGE YOUR […]

Company Name   BUFFOLI TRANSFER SPA Via Stretta, 40 – 25128 Brescia Tel.: 030 201550 Sito web: www.buffoli.com Mail: sales@buffoli.com Stand …          Commodity Sectors   08.00 – software for manufacturing22.00 – machining centers 39.00 – transfer machines and work units 49.00 – flexible manufacturing systems and cells 50.00 – software for machine tools 51.00 […]

Company Name  CAUCCHIOLI DINO CONTENITORI METALLICI Via A. Verrocchio, 11 – 37053 Asparetto di Cerea (Verona) Italy Phone: +39 0442 320123 – Fax: +39 0442 373425 Website: www.caucchiolicontenitori.it Mail: commerciale@caucchiolicontenitori.it Stand …         Commodity Sectors 118.00 – assembly and installation of mechanical, electrical, electronic and fluid devices 120.00 – foundries and die casting 123.00 […]

Company Name   SUHNER ITALIA SRL Via Filotti, 2/A – 24123 Bergamo Italy Phone: 035 220698 – Fax: 035 225965 Website: www.suhner-italia.it Mail: emanuele.pirro@suhner.com Stand …          Commodity Sectors   25.00 – milling machines28.00 – honing, lapping and polishing machines 36.00 – machines for deburring and chamfering 78.00 – accessories for metal cleaning 79.00 – […]

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