Company Title   B.MEC SRL
Via Nicola Romeo, 5 – 20142 Milano (MI)
Phone: 346 3021070 – Fax: N.D
Website: www.bmecitalia.com – Mail: info@bmecitalia.com
Pad.  – stand 
  Commodity Sectors 404.01 – robot and corobotics
407.02 – simulation of partial or total processes
04.00 – computers and peripherals
09.00 – software for product development CAD, CAM, CAE and PLM
105.00 – services for the company
106.00 – services for the production
  Company Profile  B.Mec is a complete technical office to the service of the firms for planning CNC with station CAD / CAM ESPRIT, planning attrezzaggi cars utensils, anthropomorphous robotics and formation to create personal qualified inside the Vs. firm.
Service I complete for the buyers with assistance from the project up to the delivery of the product ended through selection and assistance terzisti, support complete technician from the project costing to the prototipazione.
  Products and/or Service dealed  

mean planning CAM ESPRIT, CNC and parametric, planning equipments, positionings, cars and template, personal formation on CAD CAM CNC, virtual machining for simulation advanced code ISO with Eureka, planning Robot anthropomorphous
Workstation portable and fixed headings and guaranteed for the good effectiveness with systems CAM
  Exhibited Products
Demo service planning, the clients can bring their files and to see the development of the program and our service in real time near the ns. stand
Workstation B.Notes Titanium Mk The and MkII, presentation new line with: Processor I9 9900K, Nvidia RTX 2070, 32 Gb RAM, SSD and HDD

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