“La Fabbrica in Fiera”
Via Castagnotta, 8 – 25075 Nave (BS)
Phone: 0308925563 – Fax: 030 8924973
Website: www.autind.com – Mail: sales@autind.com
  Commodity Sectors   06.00 industrial robots
32.00 machines for forging
38.00 machines for cutting and punching
44.00 presses
55.00 brass
61.00 forged
  Company Profile   Automazioni Industriali is leading manufacturer of robot cells with patented vision system (DRS) for machine tool tending (die casting machines, transfer/CNC-machines, assembly machines, deburring presses, grinding machines etc). In addition, it manufactures complete deburring machines, trimming presses, and electric presses (Forge Tronic) for the hot forging of brass components without burrs.
Products and/or Service dealed   Robotic systems for machine tool tending with very short cycle times and set-up times. Design and manufacturing of presses for the hot forging of brass components without burrs (ForgeTronic), fully electric, controlled by CNC, equipped with anthropomorphic robot and specific Cad-Cam software; automated deburring presses and high production automatic trimming lines, complete with anthropomorphic robot and patented vision system (DRS – DRIVE ROBOT SYSTEM)
Exhibited Products 

Robotic “Bin Picking” system for picking randomly oriented parts directly from the box with 3D vision system. The robot picks up the part, places it in a reset station and inserts it into the CNC machine for the machining process. The same robot unloads the finished part and drops it into another box. A proprietary 3D software locates the pickable part according to pre-established criteria. Once detected, another robotic CAM software calculates its reachability so the robot knows how to grab it.

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